An eager sonic explorer who binds her various sound influences into mystical adventures, Eva Porating regards music as the universal language. While she doesn’t overly dwell on formal structures like genre, rhythm or tempo, she’s perfectly capable of working them to her advantage.
Born in Slovakia, Eva spent her teenage years playing bass guitar and singing in hardcore and punk bands. Her affection with dance music culture developed later, when she took up DJing in Brno, quickly becoming involved with the local scene. One of the highlights of her presence there were the MUAH events, a locally unparalleled club phenomenon, which she co-organized with Psj & Møreti.
Currently residing in Prague, Eva is a resident DJ at Ankali as well as its younger sister, Planeta Za. Regular appearances on Radio Punctum, including her own Anemone show, reveal the true scope of her musical knowledge and interest. Her refined selection holds a mirror to Eva’s life experiences, and whether playing house, breaks, ambient or IDM, her sets contain whimsical turns, Middle-Eastern colour, ancestral goosebumps and mental healing — along with those euphoric hand-in-the-air moments.