
As a co-founder of Harmony Rec. collective established in 2014 (and label in 2018), Yan has been inseparably involved with the development of Prague’s dance music scene. His crew has opened a more deep and organic side of techno to local audiences, building an impressive following as they go and moving forward musically over the years.

As a resident DJ of Ankali Yan co-curates the regular Yuggadus nights, with a fresh and friendly take on bookings, inviting personal heroes to his favourite club space.

Yan’s DJ sets are one of the reasons why Harmony parties became so successful. His ability to deliver precise and absorbing mixes has been growing hand in hand with the quality of the events themselves. With a crystal-clear technique he blends dubby and trancey techno and various house cuts with a strong emphasis on the groove & bass. Closing slots are undoubtedly his specialty. Also, his growing interest in digging 90s techno and progressive house or trance has been taking off recently. 

His care and attention to details has earned him an increasing amount of foreign interest, alongside a steady supply of bookings on home turf. All that, together with the strong ties made over the years with befriended labels and other crews, brought Yan and the Harmony brand around the globe, with several stops in Japan, Columbia and Netherlands.